Darius First Two Items
Lulu’s Ult Makes You Bigger… But Why Doesn’t It Help You Move Better?
Its back!!!
Masked Justice Lucian, Senna, and Yone are on their way to protect the PBE
who wins each 1v1 fight?
Rell by u/undertowili
Honor no longer grants keys
What is the most memorable Summoner Name you have seen?
Patch 25.S1.2 Bug Megathread
What are some tips and tricks on Darius that are not basics?
How different would Bleach be if it was written by you?
The game starts at Level 00:00, stop the drama and doom posting and play the game as intended.
Mel - Abilities Reveal
Riot confirms rumours about new "Zoomer" Darius Skin
What would you bring to a 1v1 if your life depended on it?
What do you think? Who should be next in Hall of Legends?
Exciting to see if T1 can finally upset G2