Craziest Builds This Event
Now that we're this far into the league, what was bait/overhyped this league?
Exploring 100% Mind over Matter Builds: Archmage Ball Lightning of Orbiting (Update)
Umbreon and Tyranitar worth getting graded or selling raw?
Gamestop PSA Grading
I have transitioned from first state to second one too. Sorry guys.
Very Strong leveling setup for your second character of any league where runecrafting is available. Works for all classes.
Sanguine Displacement | Bodyswap Build | I think it's fun :)
Some Democrats Regret Their Scattered Responses to Trump’s Speech to Congress
The Forsaken Masters have been our enemies longer than they've been our friends.
Yellowjackets is ruined by the entire ridiculous premise of not trying to…go looking for civilization.
How not to win a debate
Reave of Refraction Gambler | 140k+ Ritual Tribute Showcase
Does the Gangplank tech of storing sheen proc in a barrel still work with Lichbane and triforce? Does the sheen proc transfer to chained barrels?
It's working - American tourism is feeling the pressure
Am I building MsoZ correctly?
AIO for getting upset with how my ex speaks to my 10 year old daughter?
Peter do you know her??
You can buy a pumpkin spice casket
TIL that a 15th century French count married his sister. Later on, he produced 3 children with her. Originally, she was supposed to be betrothed to Henry VI of England.
How Social Security Fraud Actually Works
Riot steps in forbidding GX from scrimming Los Ratones on stream
Got this cape from a lootbox, so naturally I'm off to level a Surfcaster. Any skill recommendations to comfortably farm juiced T17s? I'm thinking either HoT or some lightning self-caster, but I'm open to other ideas.