A Pyrrhic Victory in a World without Rome
Livy's Nightmare - What if Alexander Lived Longer?
cute setsuna
The second Triumvirate
The Kingdom of Ahhiyawa: What if the Hittites survived the Bronze Age Collapse?
What if there were a couple more Greek islands?
Let’s get to know each other! Who are your top 3 Hellenistic rulers and why?
An Introduction to the Hellenistic Age
Chains and Rum - The Federal Republic of LIberia in 1809
Calvin Coolidge was probably the only president close to being autistic, somehow he did a good job despite being selectively mute too. He often only spoke three words or less each day.
Don't dare say that :
Siena III Sabéu di Altavilla-Niqueiobole, 47a condessa dalla Menaína
Sienne III Sabelle de Hauteville-Nicopóle, the 47th Countess of Mennaine
What is your favourite Historical Quote?
The Kitten's Roar: The Comically Ambitious Irredentism of Mennaine
Wars of the Corinthian League - in a geopolitics minecraft server
Greece, Asia and the Corinthian League in my Minecraft Server
Why is the Byzantine Empire considered the Roman Empire, but the Hellenistic empires aren't seen as the Macedonian Empire?
The actual 1v1 match we were robbed for
Description of an Imperial Christmas celebration by 10th century historian Harun ibn Yahya.He describes that muslim prisoners were included in the Imperial banquet.
He was a proud Roman
Which city suffered the worst sacks in its history since 330, Rome or Constantinople?
Ottoman Empire but they're Japan and industrially specialize on luxury products
What opinion about Rome has you like this?
THE COUNTERCOURSES: When the Dawn Came Black for the Barbary
Persia under the Tokharoi in a World without Rome [Ab Interitu Urbus]