Neighbor gave me 40 oz for fixing his tractor
Gold flipper?
Gold flipper tooth?
20 Ducklings hatched so far...20 to go.
PO-st Punk
What are you picking?
It should be illegal to keep a garage sale sign up after the garage sale is over
What do you feel from this painting?
Which one?
For all the long thumb posts here’s mine
Starburst's posh cousin. Found in Scotland 10/10
Why do the stores keep closing?
Timing chain question
How should I handle this strat trem body claw issue?
Upscale request - Daughter passed in 2010
A message tied to a fallen balloon in the grass
What movie is this from?
What are some physical traits of people in their 30s/40s that you now find attractive?
Gouda is feeling very photogenic today.
Anyone know what this is? (Ignore the cow)
My man Baki gets all the chicks
Speed attack
Recommendations other than Suffer & No Control