The terrifying beauty of the Ocean.
Ryuichi Sakamoto - Unknown piece?
Finding clients
Check out this song, i think it fits the vibe between Watching You Without Me and Waking The Witch
What’s a Kate Bush lyric that always stays with you? That has struck you? Or you just plain enjoy for any reason.
Sounds like Kate Bush?
Advice / Feedback on an outdoor “pottery studio”
Revit for small business
Suggestions for trails and nearby bar
What is your favorite euphemism for masturbating?
What’s the saddest book you’ve ever read?
Please Help Me Relieve Pain/Tightness in This Area
Suggest disturbing books. Books that made you gasp, made your skin crawl, made your stomach drop.
Yelled at during sex by boyfriend
What’s something you swore by when you were younger and haven’t broken it and never will?
What is a book that really helped you personally?
What do you do to build up your self confidence?
Architect searching for the meaning
What shook you out of a state of immobility?
I need a good cry
Cross posting 🔥
Am I Underpaid?
My 17 year old, singing Criminal.
Tell me your top two Caroline songs and I'll let you know what I think about you