What is something that you truly hate?
Gamers, what was the first game you ever played?
Which Darks Souls game should I buy as my first?
What can your non-dominant hand do better than your dominant hand?
If you could have any ring from the dark souls trilogy in real life what would it be?
Do you shower in the morning or when you go to sleep? And why?
What would you do first after winning the lottery?
It is possible for gwyndolin to survive the events of Dark souls 3. Here's how.
Is losing your virginity to a prostitute a bad idea? Why or why not?
What is something that people assume everyone enjoys, but you hate?
How many attempts did the nameless king take you?
Is the "bad" ending that bad?
Any way to quickly reach Firelink Shrine from the Tomb of Giants?
Hate it when this happens...
To all you assholes who just said "git gud"
Which npcs is it “okay” or not to kill
your username is what kills you. how do you die?
When is the no turn back
What are some items that I can sell off without hesitation?
What is the thing you find disgusting but others don't?
What is the lore behind your username?
What was the first game you ever 100% completed?
Unpopular Opinion about Anor Londo...
What would U do if U don’t want to pay a tip?
If you could only drink one other beverage besides water for the rest of your life, what are you choosing?