How to tell a needy person we aren’t friends
Does finch actually help any of you ?
Transitional target of a psychopath
Please wake me up, this cannot be real
Guy Verhofstadt on Twitter
Nobody told me this dude hated Mexicans.
For my fellow single ladies over 35
HOW THE FUCK do I (22F) make friends with guys, WITHOUT implying I'm into them?!
And you thought it wouldn’t happen to you, only the “others”
I hate incels so much
I deleted LinkedIn today
Which is morally better: Watching adult content or using saved pictures?
Tom Pagès Does Double Frontflip BASE Jump
Why do men with dark triad traits tend to be more successful in business, dating, and other spheres of life?
I’m turned off from dating. Always wanted kids and to marry but it didn’t happen and I’m in my early 40s. Seeing that it happened for my ex that burnt me hurts the most. I want to make the best of the rest of my life but don’t know how. More below
Going on a second date with a perfect on paper guy…terrified tbh
Promiscuous Trailblazer & Buzzword Jedi
Men be like THIS and ladies be like THAT... AMIRIGHT?!?
Why does it seem that women are way more sexual on social media than they are in actuality?
Help me find this vintage "Magnum" ice cream commercial
We met with hospice today at the hospital regarding a family member. I’ve been in quite a few serious conversations the last two days. I can’t explain how it felt to see that, to be very confused, and then for it to register.
When your therapist tells you to make a To-Do List
Best type of dating app bio?
I (F31) thought I had a great boyfriend (M32) but now I’m feeling blindsided
How and When Do You Talk About Physical Intimacy While Dating?