Champions that are worth maining but have low floor and high ceiling.
I don’t know anyone who supports AfD, so where does all their backing come from?
OTP Champions with high build diversity.
How to play Assassins in Season 15?
Hellooo, new volibear player here, is this a somewhat good build?
Girl on snap put this on her story. What does it mean?
I can't find a main, even though I've played for 8 years.
How do you play against 4 assassins?
How to manage playstyles?
It seems that after this patch, it will take 882 hours to get a new hero for free。
Maximum Execute Kha'Zix build
Junglers that are easy to pick up but rewarding when mastered.
Is maining just not for me?
How did you choose your main champ?
2 Junglers?
Why do we have 2 Junglers?
Champion with the most techs/tricks LoL
Api not working?
How to combo?
Best champion to main?
Is the league worth learning? Or should I not bother?
What Junglers are confusing/annoying like Shaco but don't fall behind in lategame?
Unique Champion?
Role that takes the most skill?
How do I liquidate?