Who’s one player you think will flop at major 1 and one you think will do better than expected?
Best AR and SMGs duo rn?
Post Match Thread: OpTic Texas vs. LA Thieves | Major I Qualifiers | CDL 2025 | @GGBreakingPoint
Crowder deserves his flowers
Why are the shadows soldiers different in the Anime?
Optic issues
Question: Are we counting this minor tournament as a chip ?
OpTic Halo Roster
"The fact that these pros been playing for so long without 1 house is embarrassing" Shotzzy calls out most CDL pros 🤣
Controversial opinion: the pacing is kinda iffy
Map Tier List
I like this beautiful little cut here in the trailer
Q about contracts/Pred
OpTic Simp
Faze trade for Cammy
Post Match Thread: Carolina Royal [3] vs. [0] Atlanta FaZe | Major I Qualifiers | CDL 2025 | @GGBreakingPoint
Optic fans enjoying this faze downfall knowing we can steal Simp at the end of the year
Im not even a FaZe fan
So optic Abezy or optic simp?
I have been away for a couple of days, so can someone tell me what happened to pred?
Vegas Falcons CDL + challengers team setup
Shotzzy on LA Thieves being the best in the game
S2 will have 13 EPISODES. Sugoi is the most reliable leaker on Anitwt.
Do you think in the end asta won’t have time limit in devil union?
This guy is not real