Which Lyrics of a song you love do you scream everytime?
Hot take: Mutiny is one of the best songs in EPIC
What's your favorite misheard lyric
You cannot convince me other (organized loosely)
Guys my teacher wants me to make lyrics about the skeleton. So I’m going to replace the lyrics of a song with anatomy vocab. What epic song should I use?
Why is your child named Dangerous
Why is your child named fingerdash
Hold Them Down (Specifically about Telemachus)
What is your favorite song of your least favorite saga?
grace and johnnie via instagram
i'm so glad johnnie stood up for himself and his relationship on tiktok
can i ask a genuine question
Kris, Celina, and Oompa Vid
this came to me right before i fell asleep
Scream in Ohio reformatory
Tell me the first video u watched
Fav songs
Who should I do next?
Opinions on jake webber and johnnie guilbert
Why do you think their videos are faked?
The real reason only they can edit their own videos
Sam & Colby at Elton's & Ginger's Wedding