Show off / any advice?
Plant arrived compressed, not sure if salvageable. Pls help advise
It’s amazing what you find out when you track your food and your water…
Semi hydro & poles
Soon to be ex husband strikes again. What can I prop what can I not? My heart is broken . Please help save my looking glass and my angel wing
Roughly 7 month cat showing signs of pain
Dosing up / down
Post your cat NOW
Evolution of Michelle emergent
Vet bills.. Get the damn insurance.
Got this variegata as a Christmas present
Pollen needed!
New rescue mission
Dose anyone know what happened to my thermo-hygrometer that I have in my cabinet the screen is glitching
I'm biased, but I think I have the most beautiful cat. Let's see all your cat's glamor shots.
Has anyone received plants shipped in this way?
Acclimatising to ambient from cabinet...
Comment a pic of your cat and I'll sketch it!
Show me your cars yawning
It might be time to admit I have a problem
Humidity difference top to bottom?
This wall. 🤌🏾