I don’t even want to post here anymore because of how much default redditors infested the sub
Why do redditors delete their own posts all the time?
Chinese trains
Moving to China bros
Rfk jr’s ex-wifes life haunts me
Judging everyone based on how they talk about dogs
Happy New Year. This is my uncle's house. 新年快乐
Trump’s Regardation is Going to Secure China’s Rise to Global Superpower Status
New contrarian move: become Biden supporters in 2025
I miss weird local TV programs
Republicans are feeling themselves
It feels like autism is basically being socially awkward now
Nelson Mandela just passed away at the age of 106.
Hope the ridiculous "service dog" protections in the ADA gets repealed
Join a smaller forum
Britain, the Future
Big tech overlords are forcing dogshit AI down our throats
I forgot how gay everybody acts when Trump is in office
what is it about this phenotype that turns the normally-asexual East Asian Female into a ravenous broodmare in heat
Hello beautiful grils of this sub. It is me, FBI. In accordance with sir Trump’s new gender laws, you have to DM me pics of bobs and vagene. Thank you in advance
Every service, both private and public, fucking sucks in America
Struggling to cope since finding out about cat abuse
Ross Ulbricht Pardoned
My boyfriend talks about me like I'm a car