DGH vs large tertiary hospital
Macbook Air M2 Vs M3 for battery life?
OS 15 and reliable Google Drive sync?
Words or other things that have lost their original association in your doctor brain
Is this even legal?
Please suggest equally bad "innovative" NHS quality improvement ideas below
This is awesome! Robot dog carrying patient.
Microbiologists - what antibiotic regimes are you sick of seeing us prescribe
clinical pharmacology and therapeutics doctors
Unproductive FY3- I have only done a couple of locum bank shifts during my FY3 as I had saved up in FY1/2. When applying for new roles will I be at a disadvantage due to this / will it be an issue if I don’t have references for this period ?
Deanery is a Twat
Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health sneakily changing the goal posts on shortlisting.
Unsuccessful Paeds ST1 Shortlisting- Scoring seems off
Paediatric ST1 Training Interview Course
Paediatric surgery - what is the job like?
Should I get a small mortgage to get a bigger house?
Derm registrars
NHS Staff Passport Pilot
Looking for a pimer on getting restarted with Caesar 3
IMT interview preparation, can I do it without a course ?
Which paediatric subspecialty has the most amount of procedures?
Are any paediatric trainees getting any meaningful clinic time?
Patient experience manager…at a GP practice…
Changes to exception reporting in England enacted yet?
Please help with specialty choice!
RSM library and reciprocal club visits - anyone have experience?