The_Doughboy, where ever you are, just know that I am sorry. What you don't see here is the 19 additional times my Spotter killed him.
US President Elon Musk getting his ring kissed by 6-time bankrupted businessman Donald Trump
***URGENT HLL ISSUE WORLDWIDE ON PC*** This is happening to people globally trying to access HLL as I have friends on steam all over the world and the same issue is occurring. Anyone else having similar issues?
I play this game way too much 😂
Bought my first car - a $115k Mazda 3!
F14 players are crazy right now💀💀💀
Brb guys, not playing the game for 20 days to save 12k sl lmao
Is there ever any reason to pick a tiger over a panther?
I have these things in my inventory for 5 years at this point, but I'm too afraid to use them knowing my luck.
How am I supposed to aim with that thing please ?
Challenger explosion will be removed from the "Seek & Destroy" wallpaper
UPDATE for anyone who saw my post about premature seat wear
Purchased Tank is incorrect?
The F-5E and Me
Peak Of The "Seek And Destroy"
Thoughts on the state of war-thunder?
Tree top lvl is no longer enough, crash into the trees
They screwed multipathing so bad, that you can't even dodge them at ground level lol
New Update sucks.
F15 max load out?
Any advice on how to get my dog to walk better? I’m at the end of my rope.
Top Tier Moment
New personal record in the Gripen
I’m super proud of how far I’ve come, from downloading the game and buying a f5c and having a .5 kd in it, to dominating sim with currently a 8.23kd in the 2kS5, 7.41 in the s4 (Console controller too)
Is the Sim community happy with the current state of the game.