Your avg punjabi girlie gets into oxford for computer science
Anime where the MC doesn't care about anything
What's the pettiest reason you have dropped a manga/LN/anime for?
What is this anime?
Which anime do you think has the best soundtrack?
Absolute clown moment 🤡
A thread where every hot take has the best comeback everything related to anime (image unrelated).
What is something you want to see in an anime that hasn’t been either utilized or best utilized?
Kaneki goes through quite a transformation
Favorite Anime Couple
What anime had you like this?
Are you all like this?
What Anime Gag Do You Hate and Why?
This man is a true man
Tell me anything ill try to relate it to attack on titan
Do y’all agree?
Why did the animators design him like that?😂
If you're happy and you know it, clap your _____
Which anime fits this meme ?
Fuck you, I'm _______
Who’s your favorite character with different colored hair?
___________ H
I love making ______!
My son drew this (he’s 8)