Who’s your favorite cuddle buddy?
Happened to stop in a shop for something else
Happy Sunday (from a mental hospital)
Selfie Sunday, Let's gooo🥶
She warm. Shrimp thought that the steam deck is a nice place to warm up her belly
Messy eater
My parents won't allow me take care of my tortoise and can't re-home idk what to do
2 for 1 special
I met w my friend yesterday
Happy selfie Sunday, here I am and here is some more of my art
The weeks are going by extremely fast.
A very goth sunday to you all!
After a long days work..
Drug induced schizophrenia
Art in the psych ward
Finally 🥹
Finally my lucky day!!! 🐭🐝
Little too happy
Has anyone's life gotten better w schizophrenia?
Got a little red foot hatchling few days ago
Identification help?
How do I cheer up my frog? I bought him a coffee but he's still sad
Please help find me
I got the chicken
Kindergarten plans