Boar boyz ready for the Waaagh!
My Warboss Orc on Chariot
Two trukks added to the collection
Do you people know who he is ?
Bully Boyz cartoony version
Is it bad if I have 2 klanz in my army? (Picture unrelated)
Need help to identify a 10+ yo model
Flash gitz ready to deploy!
Boar boyz!
List building and tactic advice against Dwarfs
Look at my little metal Nobz
Does this list look fun?
Sneaky Boy
Deffkoptas complete!
One a scale of 1 - WAAAAARGH how cool is pirate orks?
Mek Gun Kitbash! (C&C welcome!)
Deff Dread joins the Waaagh!
Wrecka Krew Kill Team checking in!
This guy convinced me to start an Ork 2k
Repainted one of my Flash Gits
Cavalry Armies
Battle wagons worth it?
Beastboss nearly finished, what do you guys think?
Trukk to battlewagon conversion