Do you like gambling?
Finance jobs that involve politics/econ?
Do you think there's any realistic chance that a single civilization could have conquered the entire world (or at least 90% of it) before 2025? Assuming everything went right for them.
Young lawyer struggling to find employment in my field, starting to feel super hopeless.
Did the Byzantines Try to Convert the Varangian Guard Vikings?
What Military Innovation, Contemporary to their Time Period, would allow Paraguay to Win the War of the Triple Alliance ?
The ottoman empire reforms today, what's the strongest country they can beat?
I wish I was good at Mortal Kombat
What are some finance careers that are more economics-heavy?
Weekly Free-for-All Discussion Thread | March 02, 2025
Chicago Industry Job Market
Fired after 2 days
Somehow you wake up one day as Constantine Palaiologos in 1449 with all the current knowledge that you have about the future. What would you do?
Anyone familiar with US Customs Law?
nyc v miami
What if, after the European discovery of Japan, Buddhist monks went to Europe and started trying to convert people?
It’s April 1, 1940. Free France is about to be invaded by the resurgent German Reich.
OMFG - Another 10pm/7am India Call
DEI's Impact on AM in Corporate America
Managers what exactly is going on with the job market?
I wish that whenever an employee submits an anonymous complaint of their job to HR then it will remain truly anonymous
What was the Byzantine Attitude Towards Cousin Marriage?
How could Greece and Turkey join forces to highlight and market their Byzantine heritage?
Dad, what the fuck????
I wish there were roving gangs of old ladies on scooters that go around yelling at people