You can pick 3 members of the gang to help you in a Zombie Apocalypse, who are you picking?
My current laptop broke and is not worth fixing, need help finding a new one
Help me name my new dog
How do y’all paint black?
Death Spectre kitbashed from an emperor's champion (paint job is a WIP)
Kitbashed an emperor's champion for my death spectre
What is the purpose of significance of these bits?
My wife's wrapping for my christmas present
WORST Gears Game Ever? Gears 5 (E-Day Can’t Afford This Mistake!)
Are there any chapters with no primaris marines?
I built an app to collect bottle caps
Can't get the waypoint pdfs
Is there a specific order to play the DLC's after completing the main game?
What are some good books to read in your opinion?
Best book to get someone who doesn’t know anything about 40K?
I could have sworn this was a repeating quest?
Which version of the first game should one get?
Sixteen, chicken or egg?
Giveaway: Bands of Mourning signed (NOT numbered)
What hot take has you like this?
I've been trying out a couple of different chapters. Here's what I've got so far.
Brothers, I've made a discovery
200 Member Celebration Signed Gunmetal Gods Giveaway!
It’s here