Sad that the trilogy might not get completed.
Prussia confirmed as the final Modern Age civ. No British Empire in a game about historical empire building!
RIP David Lynch
David Lynch of Twin Peaks fame has died.
José Rizal is a leader in Civilization VII! (5th row, 2nd from left). Since leaders and civs are seperate in Civ 7, no word on a Philippines Civ yet.
Found my 13 yr old son's Bucket List and realized I need to rethink my entire life. [OC]
“a sexually available looking blu-ray" is one of the funniest sentences I've ever read in my entire life
Cultural appropriation: the death metal cowboy scene in Botswana
Ladies, explain why?
Uh oh
I've never seen a logical counterpoint to this. Face it, dogs are meat
Unironically beautiful history.
My Civ 7 DLC Wishlist - Civs
The West backed the wrong horse with India instead of China
How each of the currently announced civ 7 leaders died!
Live Looter ‘The First Descendant’ Has Lost 96% Of Its Playerbase In Six Months
Monkey Buisness (1952)
every small town lesbian couple
i love Leonard cohen but part of me is glad he’s no longer around so we don’t have to hear his take on 2025 Israel
There's truly nothing sadder and more godless than current-day "paganism"
Carolyn Mara's mop "art" makes me (ir)rationally angry
The loneliest man in our social group has found true love. There is hope for you yet!