About alcohol
Suggest Powerful Female MC Anime
Should I watch Claymore?
Any romance anime thats more mature?
Which book is best experienced completely blind—no spoilers, no context, just diving right in?
You’re in hell. What song is playing?
What Book Kept You Up All Night Reading??
I need an anime that will make me cry
Please suggest the most visually beautiful movies you’ve seen!
What is the most surreal book you ever read?
What's a book you read as a child that you definitely weren't meant to be reading?
What is your last anime of the year going to be
My wife just started watching anime. Recommendations?
My collection so far🥹
Gift Ideas for Long Distance Boyfriend?
Shows that will hook me in the first episode?
what's a movie you've rewatched a hundred times and still love?
Which country are you guys from?
Do you think Yoshino and Kirishima are endgame?)
What are the best found footage movies you’ve ever watched?
Anime You Disliked/Weren't Really Into At First But Later Enjoyed?
Unable to date someone if they're better than you
Looking for a good psychological thriller book, that really will have you hooked
Sports Anime Recommendations please!
Series like The Maze Runner, but for older audience?