What was your most recent, “Hunting for this shiny, found that one instead?
Unpopular opinion but...
Looking for Anniversary ideas around Orillia
Makeup mistakes you used to make?
What minigames do you think are terrible but people don't talk about them much?
Shopping at Country Produce
What are your Hot Takes on PPG?
Famous TV show's movie treatment ignores almost all canon.
Found this beauty after making a sparkling sandwich 😍
I made this. What character is this?
Do you ever just randomly stumble upon a shiny pokemon? I did today at this spot
Favorite pokemon in Gen 9?
My Shiny Rayquaza Slayer; What Slayed Your Dragon?
What Blink-182 Song Is This?
Which restaurant feels like a rip off in Ontario?
What's the most random skill you have that never fails to impress people?
Whats your drinking game for season 6?
What would a truly happy ending for Tory look like?
Beat Banjo Kazooie/Tooie for the first time since I was a kid, you cannot refute this tier list
If you met season 1 Sam and Dean and could only tell them 1 thing, what would it be?
What was your first kiss like?
Anyone else having issue with app saying holiday drinks are not available?
What are Your *Actual* Unpopular Opinions About Degrassi?
Things about the show that annoy you?
Dean Winchester once said...