What song would you storm Arasaka Tower alone to?(I’ll go first)
Why are people so afraid to PUSH?!
Thoughts about this so far?
Who's your favourite character?
What Are Your Thoughts About Shelly
Loved this moment because these four are obviously his favorites
This Diva
Ngl would I be wrong if I said she kind of carried the final episodes?
Thoughts on editor Jordan D. White wanting to retcon Kitty Pryde as a non-mutant?
New things since update
I'm the only one who doesn't hate What If...?
Say something good about this character
BGC7: Judi vs Shelly (Round 2)
Reason #1 why I love breakable environments
Some love for Storm
What Are Your Popular or Unpopular Opinions About The Show?
Let’s Talk About Storm
What are your thoughts on this movie?
This game is amazing
Which ME3 ending made the most sense to you?
Any Gamora fans here ? Did you like her post Infinity War change ? (She was my favorite of the guardian's) I thought Zoe Saldana was awesome as this character
Favorite class and why?
What do you think is the best assault rifle in ME3?
Every squad-mate Day 5: Tali Zorah Vas Normandy
Which 2 Squad Members do you pick the most and why? Mine are Jack and Kasumi