Nipple pimples?
AD5M-Pro Freezing when sliced file is sent from Orca-Flashforge
Note10+ Slider Terminal
Leaving steaming milk for a few seconds?
Duality of (my) transmasculinity [25, he/him]
4 Years of barista-ing
Calling off 2 shifts in a row?
what do YOU want?
Dude told me he would pay me to sew on patches and i had no clue what i was getting into maybe the worst shit ive ever seen
This is my morning so far ..
massive ear wax chunks
Spotted a Sovereign Citizen plate dumbass today
kind of toxic take on trans tape
Can already tell this employer would be a hassle to work with
Self explanatory
I’m making a “Where’s Waldo” style book but with cats. Post your cat and I’ll paint tiny pics until the page is full!
Unsatisfying but Audible
Little Ingrown Hair Pimple
is it okay to be high while getting my IUD inserted?
Was I being hostile?
I’m such a fcking empath
a huge infected pimple on my forehead, an extremely gooey pimple that shot out of my nose, a chunky chin whitehead, and a round yellow cheek pop with a very long hair. there's commentary.