Are the opponents in scouting camp real?
Is this pack still good or they already nerfed it
I'll take the free 1.4B coins
Rate my Team and ill Rate yours🗣️
Could you just shut the f up?
Shitted EA for not giving me anything from those market picks which apparently people called craked and here is how EA answers.
Artist/track/album you didn't feel connected at first but eventually started going crazy for them
Sell or keep
Kinda frustrated in Manager mode.
Has anyone packed duplicate icons? When I packed both of them, I packed them again in the very next pack, I'm genuinely confused
rate my team
Just making sure of taking the advantage of improved referee's who don't stop the clock on counter attacks.
Holy Moly, hope I am not dreaming!!
Kind of a glitch in scoreboard in Division Rivals.
Alert 🚨🚨 There's a high chance of getting 105/106 ovr from market pick.. don't miss
Is it just me or you guys have also got this at some point in this event (or did they do it for everyone at reset today)
How Rare is this ???
Choose this team in scout camp
EA really helps these toxic guys in H2H by scripting.
Enough of Haaland for today
What should I do?
Worth the grind