can major stroke victims understand what’s going on?
Getting pregnant after a stroke
Bali Hates Balloons
I’m a “Major Trauma” Anesthesiologist, AMA
What are your associations with the name Serena?
Can doctors help make ultrasounds feel less terrifying?
ICE evilness in Spokane 3/10/25. PSA, we are not safe.
This video has been taken down from Instagram but I think it needs to be seen by everyone here.
A mom is a mom, no matter what!
This Man's Child-Like Joy Ay Getting A New Puppy
The Surinam Toad has one of the strangest birth methods in the animal kingdom. Babies erupt from a cluster of tiny holes in their mother’s back.
Well it happened..
Is this the most ridiculous medical condition or what?
Dio lost his battle 10/28/24. He was well loved and extremely missed. Thought I share some of his last moments now that we have healed some.
Realistic chances of having a 2nd stroke?
How common is bringing you pet to work at your institution?
How long has it been since your stroke?
I will do a quick silly doodle of your dog. GO!
What does the name Arden make you think of it feel?
Doctors telling me what it's not...
Crying and laughing hysterically
Got laid off today, but at least I finished my latest quilt top
Father had a stroke a few hours ago, I need to hear from you guys
What are your comfort shows?
"World is Too Chaotic to Bring a Child Into This World..." - Reaction to this statement?
Husband: "Don't make me SLAP you to bring you back to your senses."