AITAH for refusing to pay for my sister’s wedding after she uninvited my autistic son from being ring bearer because he ‘might ruin her day'?
Does anyone still lay with their toddler every night until they fall asleep?
AIO, for wanting a divorce after 5 yrs?
AITA for feeling like my best friend abandoned our friendship after having kids?
In laws took my toddler somewhere against my wishes and lied about it
AITA for warning my sister that if she won't shut up about what she wants me to name my child then we'll need some time apart?
Bf is unsure of future
AITA for not wanting to have sex?
Am I Overreacting My partner won't stop messaging their ex of six years
Welp. It finally happened to us.
AITA for leaking fake baby names to family?
AITA for calling out my husbands poor performance and emasculating him ?
AITH for not getting any more presents for my partner’s kids?
Mom and step dad taking my 17 month old to Disney on Ice, should I be worried?
AITAH for not wanting to marry my fiancé who won’t stick up for me?
AITAH for divorcing my husband and telling everyone he cheated?
Husband doesn't want family to visit
So many conditions for giving me the ring
Aitah for telling my mom I don't want her living with me anymore.
AITH for telling my trans friend I support them, but respectfully have different beliefs?
AITH for asking my sick wife to feed our son?
AITAH for taking my daughter’s privileges away after she punch her newborn brother?
Is my husband TAH for making my daughter put her siblings on her school presentation after she intentionally left out her baby siblings in her presentation.
AITAH for leaving my uncle and cousins stranded at a gas station after they continually disrespected me?
AITH for flipping my daughter's "boundary" back on her?