Should I use extra financial aid to help with getting a car for clinicals?
I was attacked at work by a violent resident last weekend. Looking for support.
How do I find nurse references ?
I’m (23 F) jealous of the time my boyfriend (23 M) spends with his friend.
My roommate has a plethora of allergies;
What is the adult version of finding out that Santa Claus doesn't exist?
Rant about nurses working at ltc facilities
Why does my( 23F) mom (66F) think I’m calling her a bad mother when I disagree with her?
What is something that went wrong for you this week?
What song leaves you a heavy heart while listening?
Why don’t cnas go on strike ?
Our (F23) (M23) schedules are so different now and we barely get to talk
If your cat is having seizures please consider the flea and tick treatment.
30F. I have nothing nice to say about myself. I think I'm strange looking and dumpy. What do you think?
Should I (22F) ask my boyfriend (23F) if I can move in with him to finish school?
Longer without bangs or short with bangs?
Stop saying “id like a million dollars” to cashiers. Its unfunny and douchey
How did you and partner close the distance?
Just a rant: I miss my boyfriend so much and I feel like crying
My first and only LDR (25F/24M) is the best thing that’s ever happened in my life
How long did you wait before finally meeting your SO for the first time?
Depression is confusing
Does this dress look ok on a fat girl like me? I bought it and fell in love with it until I saw pictures and all I could focus on was my fat…
Thank you, from a grateful nurse.