Why do so many people feel they need millions to retire?
scabs in oregon
Salary Transparency
DPS getting instant ques?
I miss seeing San Francisco’s streets busy like this…
Why PVP is not for casuals/new players
Stress, anxiety, and anger healing solo shuffle
Reduce hours to 24/wk?
Why does my credit score go up after canceling my oldest credit card in simulator
Is there a professional/ethical/respectful way to go about expressing to a coworker that you find them attractive or aesthetically pleasing (hospital setting)
“Attractive nurses can never get their patients’ heart rate accurate” just saw this on shower thoughts sub lol
Recall the most ridiculous policy you’ve experienced during your nursing career to date…
So utterly awful at IVs
Can I save more money if I work as a nurse Abroad?
TIL ascites can cause erroneous bladder scan results
On the first day of nurse’s week admin sent to me…
I Work 10 yrs in one hospital, going to retire on my 50.
Cockroaches in new apartment
Agency not reimbursing for mandatory fingerprinting
Trying to replace my car battery cables and positive cables are stuck in this tube
Why are so many travel nurses unable to understand the concept of “total compensation”?
Are American patients really that bad?
Travel nursing - potential pitfalls to other areas of life?
How do you guys afford living in Cancun/Tulum?
I feel free...almost