I'm making a documentary on the Creon shortage. Fancy speaking to me?
Is my drug company lying about pigs?
Going to Philippines in 3 months..how should I learn Tagalog?
Anyone else CONFUSED by this global creon shortage?
NAC and Quercitin supplementation for ABPA
Gift basket for friend with CF
i have CF and stopped taking my treatments and meds
Sparring critique
Has anyone tried supplements to increase ejaculation volume?
Getting evicted in London. Are we obliged to move out things that don't belong to us AND were in the flat before we signed our tenancy?
London landlord is evicting us. Can he demand us to move previous tenants items that were in the property before our tenancy began?
We're leaving our London flat. Can our landlord demand we dispose of items that were there years before our tenancy even began?
Losing balance throwing hooks
Sparring feedback
Overcoming pneumonia
Socks to stop sweaty boxing shoes?
Is it too late
My second boxing match - I’m in blue - please critique!
Taking your head offline while punching
Can i calculate my total test from these figures?
Best core exercises for boxing at home
Pivoting but still not getting bodyweight into hooks?
Shadow boxing feedback
Cystic fibrosis getting lip fillers
Boxing and flexibility