Orangutan asks woman to show him her baby!
What song is 10/10, yet hardly anyone has heard of it?
How would you feel about a "return to where you left off" button for Reddit?
What's a Lie a parent told you that you figured out years later wasn't true?
What things do not-smart people do to look or feel smart?
What would ruin your life in an instant if you did it once?
Beavers return to Nene Wetlands after 400 years! 🦫
A tired farmer sat down to rest and the animals came closer to look at him. 🧡
Man feeding water to thirsty squirrel ☺️
Squirrel has never felt so much love before! 🐿️
What is something everyone should try once in their lifetime?
What's a super power but 99% of people don't realize it?
What is something men will never look cool doing?
For those making over $100K, what do you do for a living, how hard is it, how hard was it to get there?
People who make over 100k, what do you do?
What’s something really weird that turns you on?
Now that eggs are $1 million a dozen, what’s for breakfast other than eggs?
He takes his job seriously! 🐓
What's one thing you would change about yourself?
What ever happened to "Antifa"?
If they were sentient, who would have the longest life expectancy: Pancakes, French Toast, or Waffles?
What’s a movie you can watch over and over again and never get sick of it?
What’s an extremely irrational fear that you have?
Who’s a celebrity that you really miss seeing, dead or alive?
What's the longest time you've gone without sleeping. And why?