Greenland PM: "Greenland is for Greenlanders. We do not want to be Danish, we do not want to be American."
60% of Greenlanders want to join EU
Greenland would now vote to join the EU according to the latest polls. It was 40% few years ago
Is it just me, or does this car feel different - lighter and more effortless to drive compared to other cars?
MEGATHREAD - Trump to purchase Greenland
Is not the rank bit the driver 😎
Is it possible to reach this stage entirely as a F2P player?
My global garage (GL58/252 cars/148 gold) vs my Switch garage (GL33/168 cars/22 gold)
This almost feels illegal.
New additions to my garage
Leaked S6 Script Snippets
Jesus Christ!
Weekly Club recruitment thread (December 16, 2024) - Post your club invites here!
Where are Boss Event card packs?
Weekly Club recruitment thread (December 09, 2024) - Post your club invites here!
Italy having a stable government
How do you get this car?
Roses are red, I don't want to be hated
What do you think is the most gorgeous car in the game?
I think Gameloft is playing games with me
Vanda Showroom Question
Who are some characters that are intended to be liked by the writers, but are disliked/hated by the fandom?
First ever key obtained