What yall think of this song?
Is Nappa the least intelligent DBZ villain?
My starter choice
I'm being bullied for Peeing..? wtf.
In my opinion, their best song without Johnny
Who is your favorite logia user?
Send me ur wallpapers and i’ll rate them. I’ll go first. PS, no i do not know the original artist
I’m a five dimensional deity that consumes planets to live and yours is the most pathetic one. I have ever seen, give me one reason to leave your planet alive
Favorite Charact Whose Death Absolutely Destroyed You
What y’all’s opinion on this anime
Bonus points if we make this into one big guessing game.
Who else can lift it up?
Meme I made with a pic of Anthony Keidis as a child
Is it me or does Tien not age?
Which of your favorite characters would you have lunch with?
Lunch for 1 hour. Which table are you picking?
Roses are red, the impostor is sus, go on and
Favorite trickster character?
Which seat y'all got?
Favorite character Who has the same name as you?
What's this guy's name?
Spotted in Cincinnati
What is this country? wrong answers only☠️
Roses are red, she's armed and dangerous
Songs you shouldn’t play at a wedding
Roses are red, you are dumb