Restaurant specifically stated on their menu that a cup of soup was 8oz
I present to you the sickest support weapon possible. The Explosive Lance!
How do guys feel when a woman comes up to you to compliment you?
Repurpose This Garbage
Now that i realize I haven’t really seen anybody talk about or use it, what’s the consensus on this cutie patootie?
I choise to play Artificer as my first dnd character. And i feel like i took water over my head.
How much caffeine do you drink every day? Please also mention if you’re on meds or not!
Gaijin boosters keychain when?
How much is worth this skin
I think that is the reason why Heavy Armor feels so underwhelming.
Love standing around for 20 minutes doing nothing
My neural dopamine receptors were overstinulated for 20 minutes. And now everything feels grey.
How is this even possible?
What's the maximum theoretical yield of thermonuclear weapons.
what weapons need buffed the most ?
Why do you avoid eye contact? (if you do)
my wedding ring is not the same anymore.
Double support weapon backpack? What two big guns you carrying?
My dad had a stroke
New glitch just dropped?
what’s a physics concept that completely blew your mind when you first learned it?
My supervisor bought these from a trip to Ipoh, Malaysia, saying that these sands have a natural glowing effect.
Suggestion: 40mm Buckshot Launcher, or the "Super Shotgun"
Tell me: what do you see?