What foods or items should supermarkets have but don't?
Does anyone have experience with vet costs? Vet sent me this price indication which is 600 euro for a tiny cavity. Is this normal? I don't even pay my human dentist this much..
Losing Dutch citizenship due to living abroad for over 10+ years
Any regrets over renouncing your US Citizenship?
Inflation is out of control - what is your view?
My job is making me sick but I don't want to delay my Citizenship
Tell me the goddam salary!
For anyone above 40 do you regret not having kids
If you could change something or some things about the Netherlands, what would you change?
Is it possible to switch to a different type of Dutch permanent visa?
Any regrets after renouncing your US citizenship?
Locals and Expats of r/Netherlands
For those living in Germany or Netherlands long-term, do you intend on relinquishing your original citizenship for German/Dutch citizenship? Why or why not? What factors should one consider in making this decision?
Applying for German Citizenship While Moving to the Netherlands
Unhappy in Germany - Stay or Leave?
People who renounced their nationality to become Dutch, how was your experience?