Someone request edit so here it is
I finished 12 book an it hits hard
Saw this post and immedietly thought of Ariel and White, can someone make an edit
Threads of Eternity | Ariel’s Journey
Found this image on FB and everyone in the comments say they doing it every day is that true??
Talking about hate towards harem. (Read below)
Would you agree?
The first step in Project Zana Horowa is complete, just need to add skin and paint
Chat did I hit the loot jackpot?
Is it good idea to start from start?
This game made me paranoid of any wooden bridge/floor
Who do you think should/will voice God?
A fine addition to my collection
I’m planing to read the manga but I have a question.
What would happen?
Commitment quest and I get insulted
What happens with your lover during unity quest?
Who is this and where can I get his clothes/suit/armor?
Should i start with the novels
Why would anyone want to be a Starborn?
got adds for the game surprisingly, it's cute but sad there's only chibi art
I am just finishing up 10 novel.
Seriously? These still exist?
Harley Quinn from the The Batman ( 2004 ) was the most underrated version of all the Harley Quinns.
Found a weapon which is aburdly powerful