Problem with my body not aromatizing at all. No estrogen.
Advice before starting gym
Currently in Kiev on vacation and I am here to impregnate 10-20 women to spread my seed. Breeding is the only thing that matters, our only purpose. For every Ukrainian woman I impregnate I have pledged to donate €500 to their Army.
Indian Mike Israetel can't hurt you
How can i bang this female bodybuilder at my gym?
Need Life Advice 22m
Copium thread
Is £190 a month too high for a heating bill on a 2 bed flat?
NHS Bloods
Is it just me or is the Legendary Effect of Healing Sprite kinda useless?
Blood tests
Low dose deca 50-100 mg every 2-4 weeks and mental effects
Possible PEDs for an endurance event
Test E From Rhom labs
Cost effective gains w no kitchen ?
I don't understand how some people can't eat enough calories.
You guys have any good recs for the women’s side of hormone health?
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Different Rice For Muscle Building
Medical costs are fat phobic
What AI & dosage
Hollywood actor Anthony Mackie: "For the past 20 years, we’ve been living through the death of the American male, they’ve killed masculinity in our communities…"
jack reacher
Imagine touching 50 talking like this ,