Ex partner broke up with me 2 months before wedding and she’s already sleeping with someone else
Yaaas Boz😁 looking gorgeous in this confessional
Keely ain’t got a key to Boz’s house? Strange or normal?
Can we keep Jennifer and lose Sutton 🫠🫠🫠🫠
How many of my fellow Americans boycotted spending in our own country today?
Who technically would you say won the Ross/Rachael breakup?
How do you feel about the phrase "stalking is violence" ?
My FA bf moved with out telling me
My 25f husband 30m says I’m not normal, what can I do?
I am over the Keely and boz storyline
54 and what can I do to feel better about my skin?
How do I (30F) ask my wife (28F) to stop singing in the car?
Geisinger is ruining this area
Would you feel hurt or abandoned if the person who always supported you didn’t reach out while you were in deactivation mode?
Who would you vote off RHOBH this season??
No Love - but wants a baby! DELUSIONAL
Do you get health screenings done regularly?
My infant niece has passed unexpectedly
Explains her weird behavior lately. ☹️ Tragic for her family and kids.
Garcelle and Reba - Rude, but someone needed to tell her...
Not sure if controversial?
New protest getting scheduled for on the Monday of 2/17
Why do conservatives care so much about making laws against trans people?
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