Kandi’s best episode?
That's right
What's your favorite Howard's costume?
What's your favorite Leonard's costume?
It's a Tucker Cake!
Guyyyyys how can I convince the bakery to tell me who sent this?
As a currently and formerly pregnant woman who has given birth, I can honestly say this was the most accurate labor/birth scene I’ve seen in a show/movie
Favourite quote
In your opinion, what was the best line delivery?
Favorite Dr. Hartman moment?
The titty ninth of September?
4 8 15 16 23 42
Chad streams Fortnite 10+hours a day for Dad’s Cancer Treatment
We have all the awesome evidence we need
Do you know what will happen if you swallow an apple pip?
Freezerino, Paul Sorvino. What’s your favorite Joe Swanson quote?
When my daughter notices I’m rewatching the Sopranos for the 100th time
Sheldon gets 5 cats.
I love the scenes where Mary smokes. It makes her more human
It worked!
Alright people give me your favorite animal bits!
Favorite Mallory one liners
What's a Peep Show quote you use irl all the time? I'll start:
I hate Tony's mom so much
What is a slept-on line that doesn't get enough love on this sub?