Put Vito on the phone asshole
He made her so hawt down there
Kane can you please shut the DOOOOR
Thong stinkface match two.
The fundamental question is: Will I be as effective as a dark lord like Morgoth was? And I will be, even more so. But until I am, it's going to be hard to verify that I think I'll be more effective.
Take your hat off!!
Democrats... The fuck you doin?
My estimation of okbuddychicanery as a normal sub just fucking plummeted. Its members were rats.
Name a song that left you like this when you heard it
Salute this one Salute that one. Never enough Saultes for that Maga lot
Whatever happened there that was fucked up
Chrissy, he’s fucked up
Alright Kurt you gotta get over it.
Alright but you gotta get over it…
Whack this one, whack that one. Not enough bodycount for red cart
sure we break some balls here but i go way back
Dont they have medication they are supposed to take these assholes?
Alright, but you gotta get over it
Oof Madonne, heh heh
“I happen to know you were high at CPAC 2025, you were talking nonstop for twenty minutes, nothing but gibberish...”
Closest Current Podcast to Art Bell?
These two suck each other's cocks
These 3 suck each others cocks
A real lack of standards your generation
I ate da norf