Phantasy Star TTRPG FAQ released
Phantasy Star TTRPG FAQ Insight
[Video] Phantasy Star TTRPG - Highlights from Designer's interview
[Video] What we know about the Phantasy Star TTRPG
Bucky O'Hare is the most underrated NES game. This game is perfect.
Playing through Ecco the Dolphin for the first time...
I'm playing through all the games I never beat as a kid this year. Time is running out.
Mario 3: N-Spade questions
Found a good use for Gyromite
Best Zelda. Best Ending.
Curious to know how this sub* feels about this game? Anyone beat it?
From 1985-1995, female enemies in video games were exclusively domintrixes
I finally beat Sonic 2. This demonstrates the experience.
Looking for help with armor
I hate this guy
Looking for more Retro Collections
Moon Thief - Follow [alternative]
Moon Thief - Follow [alt rock]
Moon Thief - Follow
Chimpanzees are shocked by a man's prosthetic leg and calling their friends to see it
Can You Recommend Movies Like Lord Of The Rings?
The Shadow War Trilogy, for those who might be interested, who have only heard bad things (with no specifics, which I often see), and even those who had a hard time getting into, or past, the first book.
Moon Thief - Moving Pieces
Confusion between here, there, and where