Which warframe should be the next full rework
Noctua Arcane suggestions for the Exalted Rework?
Cyte 09 any good?
What’s the one crafting material you ALWAYS have to go farm?
Evade on Harrow made me finally realize why people aren’t happy that nuke frames are “meta”
Frost/Mag Heirloom come to mind
This is so real
Pablo: "Exalted Blade now has a heavy attack that creates a much larger wave that will levitate enemies and it's damage will scale with all things Heavy Attack. Coming in the next Warframe update."
It's 2030. You log in to warframe. What do you see?
We need a straight up Evil Protoframe.
I finally found the perfect combinations of hound parts in my opinion. So which one you think would rock a Grineer aesthetic, a corpus aesthetic and a Orokin/tenno aesthetic?
Other game-changing augments like Infiltration or Molecular Diffusion?
What's the first LMG type weapon you can get?
If they could rework Banshee like this, Id be sold
Please, just take the money.
Survival hellscrubbers are the bane of my warframe existance.
Why the Hammer Shot hate?
I hate him I hate him I hate him
He's been alone for long enough
Are there any weapons that you associate with certain frames beyond their "specialty" weapons?
Technocyte Weapons
Why is Puncture's crit bonus additive instead of flat?
Hot take: some op warframes need a rework as much as "underpowered" ones
What is a resource that is the most annoying to grind for and what is the easiest in your experience but hard for others?
Can we agree these are the 5 worst enemies
Is there a reason we can get Ember Heirloom but not Frost or Mag?