Saw someone posting a photo of their Blahaj playing UT, so here's my own version, but with my Fumos.
Sakuya watching Flan playing Unreal Tournament '99.
Alice cosplay!
Would you like to have Chiyari as your maid?
I'm making a SEA music playlist. What Indonesian songs should I add?
What if Flandre was never locked in the basement?
Nimi meets Doremy Sweet.
Baku meets smaller Baku
I recently added Hatsune Miku into my island, and then I wrote a song in response to the song I wrote last year for Toyosatomimi no Miko (from Touhou).
Remilia dances again today [TL]
Name Arrangement from JP version to EU version.
The Elder Komeiji.
Sorry Tim, Koishi thought they were delicious.
Sakuya fell
Sakuya in the style of the manga that inspired her character design, Sarai.
Touhou Characters on the Serious-Silly Alignment Chart. (EosD - SA only)
Really liked Amatsu Kitsune so much, that I made fanart of it.
i want somebody to make an art of adult suika drawing the perfect circle
Had a stupid idea after watching a Moona clip.
Okuu and the Pitcher (remake)
2021 VS 2025! my first touhou drawing i made vs now!