which tech tree should i grind?
Italy mains Wishlist
GW2 is now 9 years old!
What in the world are the differences between these three vehicles? What makes the amv 12.0 and Not 11.7?
Can you get Banned/suspended for saying wtf in a group chat?
there's a hole in the magach side armor
Try me
My theory/headcannon on mole miners
Trans Stand Up: Nipple Rings
I researched a modification thats not even for the mig 15?
Just quit my job.
Gaijin When??
C13 T90 Looks (is) so pathetic compared to the other vehicles at 7.0 😭
How would remake sunflower into a more ofensive character like how scientist is?
Enemy saving us from an AT rocket
No more sexualized drawings of characters
What Every GW2 Character Got For Christmas
You’re stuck on an 8 hour flight. Where are you sitting?
Abnormally long hallway I found In a restaurant.
I hit 123,456 kms in my car recently.
First time making a midwar tank. T-37. What do y'all think? I can provide specs in a comment if you're interested :)
Should I take 16 benadryls?
Tell me your number
Guess where I’m from based on my opinion of states
Coding bun.