Why are there so many low-quality SaaS products lately?
How do you calculate your SaaS pricing and determine plans/features?
Looking for a co-founder
A famous author not paying
Technical co-founder need for a AI powered fintech platform idea
When does a hobby become a startup?
I'm a bored sales C-level and want to teach sales to technical founders
Setting up a soft play cafe in South East London - worth the cost?
I live in the UK and have £120K to start a business or possibly make investments.
As an early stage startup, how do you find and hire tech talent on a budget?
Your MVP is already not an MVP
Should the product-market fit model be updated to incorporate marketing? Product-marketing-market fit
We built an alternative to costly developer hiring.
AI slide clicker that understands you saying "next slide please"
How do you write subject lines for curated newsletters?
Lifestory of an indiehacker
Do no code SaaS typically launch and host from the no code platform?
What are your favorite languages/ frameworks for indie hacking?
Do you monitor your team?
Rate my startup idea out of 10
Best tech stack for SaaS founders in 2025?
Who is a CEO?
How do you handle these toxic naysayers when you present your product?
How long did you spend on your MVP
Suggest me a best name for an invoice generator