Realised I just took expired xanax will I be OK?
Should I take more if I don't feel anything after 30mins?
What is a good amount of xanax?
What is a good dose of xanax?
What's a good dose of xanax if u have 0 tolerance?
How much xanax to feel high with 0 tolerance?
What amount of xanax gets you high with 0 tolerance
How much xanax do you need to feel high with 0 tolerance?
How much xanax do you need to feel high?
How much xanax?
How much xanax to get fucked w 0 tolerance
How much xanax do u need to get fucked if its ur first time?
Is .75 xans enough to get fucked w 0 tolerance?
I've never gotten over anything in my life
Coping mechanisms
Why does no one talk abt this.
How do u change your favourite person?
MDMA is fucked
Is it socially acceptable to roll cones and then fill them?
Planning on doing acid soon, any tips?
How risky is running drugs on a low level?
Last times winner was Vincent Adultman. Now, Who was meant to be annoying and is?
Doggy-doggy what now!? Who was meant to be Meh/filler and is a fan fav?
What's the most stoned yall have ever been?
What drug/mixture of drugs will genuinely send you to another world