What is your favorite Metallica album and song from that album?
What song is playing right now for you?
I’m chopped?
Give me a song and i'll rank it from 0-10
What songs do you think Metallica should’ve performed in S&M?
What song is playing?
there's too much bad shit in the world.. so tell me ur fav TV show instead :3
i missed cosplaying ellie
Ok this is literally a nazi salute
Did I fumble the bag (the sequel)
song recommendation <3
Describe Case in 1 word
Looking for your opinions
Until It Knits
GTA V map as if it were created in the 3D universe
Me and my best friend made out
Who is he (only wrong answers)
Saw this test abd took it, comrades :D
What is TV Girl's scariest song? Most upvoted comment gets added
The trashiest couple you've ever met starter pack
Which one are you
Explain a video game horribly and have other people guess it
What’s your fav album titled song?
Who is this (wrong answers only)
Wyd if James pulls this move?