Favorite bands with a front-woman (female lead singer)
Tell me your favorite psychedelic song?
Impulse buy
What’s a tv show from your childhood you swear nobody else watched?
If you were banned from buying anymore tobacco tomorrow, how long would your current stock last?
I wanna paint my nails but I’m a guy
People who have cheated and stayed with their partner. How do you feel? Do you feel bad everytime you have sex?
boyfriend said it was my fault i was raped
The Day I Found My Eyes
This man has the best walking away lines
Best rock ballads
Has anyone here done Ketamine therapy?
Songs about female rage
Worst blends you've tried?
He had me pissing my pants!
Pipes or Tobacco
I kissed my brother and now my fiancé wants to break up with me since he finds it weird. AITAH?
Am I the sin you don’t regret? (open letter to my ex)
What song never fails to bring tears to your eyes ?
People of the world, what is a unique and typical insult in your native language?
Too iconic to be forgotten
Is 38 too young for a midlife crisis?
Tell me your favorite pub? And why do you like it?
Do you think she’s in on it?
Sainsburys manager threw away a plant instead of letting me save it.