Cannot tolerate my Chewable vitamins
Pre op diet
Hunger is back
Items Bringing for Surgery
What was your “last meal” before surgery?
Had I known gas pain was so bad I would have never done it.
Water Drink Mix
Any good recs based on my list? Please help me stop rewatching BB for the 50th time 🥲
She’s auch a diva. I want a strong but feminine name for her.
eating out
Not losing weight
Lifting restrictions?
Overnight Oats
3 months post op. I have no one else to share this with 🥹❤️
Did you tell people about your surgery prior to getting it?
Question about pre-op.
Don't try this mixture...
Three weeks postop, I cannot tolerate chicken at all, so my doctor told me I could introduce ground beef as long as I chewed it down well
Insurance change
Being negative
Walking Every 15 minutes Post-Op for 60 Days
Sleeve surgery
I will fail and I will regain all the weight.
Wonderland ?.