Today I was made a deacon in the Episcopal Church
I’m having trouble with this tricky section. Does anyone have any tips?
I went to a place today.
Grafitti was popular in ancient Rome
Speak friend and enter
America is Back?
Me at 9, 19, 22 and 45
Flying with Swiss Card
Potty humor
Enola Gay, the first openly gay military aircraft, retires from service [1947]
I’m no investment genius but I can read the room.
What would this be
Make and Model?
Bro got the full set…
Make me an army worthy of MAGA
Boile ‘em, mashe ‘em, sticke ‘em in a stew…
And they say they have the Authority to do so…
I’ll say it loud and clear: this should be obvious.
This vanity license plate.
Straight Alto
So long, Department of Education…we’ll miss you and all your syllables
Nazi government restricts free speech, especially when criticizing the government, 1934
Me at 6 and 51
It’s uncanny
Democracy is under attack and the media is going nothing.